Author Guidelines

General Guidelines & Submission Checklist

Title Page

  1. Title: The title should be clear, concise, and accurately represent the content of the manuscript.
  2. Author Information: Include the full names of all authors along with their institutional affiliations. Designate one author as the corresponding author and provide their mailing address, ORCID(s), and email address.
  3. Abstract: Provide an English abstract of 150 to 250 words that summarizes the key points of the manuscript.
  4. Keywords: Include 5-8 keywords that best describe the content and scope of your manuscript.


  1. Manuscript Length: Articles should typically fall within the range of 4,000 to 8,000 words.
  2. Formatting Requirements: Manuscripts should be prepared using a standard MS Word Processor, with normal margins, Times New Roman font, 12-point size, and 1.5-line spacing, fully justified.
  3. Tables, Figures, and Graphics: Tables, figures, pictures, and graphs should be formatted to fit the journal's page dimensions. If necessary, they may be presented in a slightly smaller font size with single spacing in the text. Tables and graphs should be consecutively numbered according to their appearance in the text. Footnotes to tables should be placed below the table body and indicated with superscript lowercase letters. Vertical rules should be avoided, and tables should be used sparingly to prevent duplicating results described elsewhere in the article.
  4. Abstract and Keywords: Each submission must include an English abstract, ranging from 150 to 250 words, accompanied by 5-8 keywords.
  5. Full Manuscript: The complete paper or manuscript should be uploaded without author details to facilitate a double-blind peer-review process.
  6. Copyright Waiver Form: A Copyright Waiver Form must be submitted alongside the manuscript.
  7. Referencing and Citation Style: JELS follows APA Style 7th Edition for references. Authors should adhere to the writing rules and format specified by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) in both in-text citations and the bibliography.
  8. Citations and References: Ensure that all references mentioned in the text are listed in the bibliography, and vice versa.
  9. Language and Grammar: Manuscripts should undergo thorough spell-checking and grammar-checking by a professional language editor.
  10. Copyrighted Material: If your manuscript contains copyrighted material from other sources, including the web, please ensure that you have obtained the necessary permissions for its use.
  11. Ethical Considerations: Research involving humans or animals should have received approval from the relevant ethics committee(s) and adhere to international ethical and legal standards. Authors should provide official documentation of such approvals.
  12. Submission Fees: Manuscript submission to JELS is free. Authors can submit their manuscripts via our website.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and working with you to uphold the highest standards of research and publication in the fields of economics, law, and society.

Submission Declaration

By submitting an article to the Journal of Economics, Law, and Society (JELS), authors declare the following:

  1. The work has not been previously published, except in cases where it appears as an abstract, part of a published lecture, an academic thesis, or an electronic preprint.
  2. The manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  3. All authors have approved the manuscript's submission and have obtained approval from the responsible authorities if required by the institutions where the research was conducted.
  4. If accepted, the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in the same form, either electronically or in print, in English or any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder.

Data Disclosure

Authors are required to make all data related to their article available either in Supplementary files accompanying the manuscript or by depositing it in external repositories. If data cannot be provided in this manner, a clear data availability statement must be included in the manuscript.

Authorship and Co-authorship

Authorship of a work includes individuals who have made significant contributions to the ideas, project, draft, or translation. These contributors can be listed as assisting authors. The primary author must confirm that all assisting authors are accurately declared, have reviewed the final draft, and have consented to the manuscript's submission for publication.

We require the corresponding author to manage the manuscript and handle correspondence during the publication process. The corresponding author should confirm that they have the authority to represent all co-authors in matters related to manuscript publication. They are responsible for securing these agreements and for keeping co-authors informed about the manuscript's status throughout the publication process. Additionally, the corresponding author serves as the primary point of contact for inquiries after the paper is published.

Authors are encouraged to acknowledge the contributions of individuals who do not meet the criteria for authorship in an Acknowledgments section, recognizing those who provided research or writing assistance.

We support our editors in resolving authorship disputes and value transparency in authorship. We adhere to established and emerging industry standards, such as ORCID, to enhance authorship transparency.

Changes to Authorship

The Journal accepts requests for adding, removing, or rearranging author names in an accepted manuscript before publication. The corresponding author should send such requests to the Journal Secretary, along with:

  1. A rationale for adding, removing, or rearranging the names.
  2. Written confirmation (e-mail, fax, letter) from all authors indicating their agreement with the changes. For additions or removals, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed.

Requests initiated by individuals other than the corresponding author will be directed to the corresponding author, who must follow the same procedure. Please note that the Journal Secretary will inform the Journal Editors of these requests, and publication of the accepted manuscript will be suspended until authorship matters are resolved. After publication, requests to modify author names will not be considered.

Copyediting and Proofreading

JELS publishes articles in English, and professional proofreading and editing are mandatory. Authors who believe their English requires copyediting can request assistance from the journal editor, who will facilitate this service. Any associated charges for copyediting are the responsibility of the authors.

Use of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) serves as a unique alpha-numeric character string assigned by the publisher at the time of the initial electronic publication. The assigned DOI remains constant, making it an ideal tool for citing documents, especially 'Articles in press' that may not yet possess their full bibliographic information. When using a DOI to link to online documents, rest assured that DOIs remain unchanged.

Open Access System

JELS maintains an open access policy. All published articles and reviews are accessible on the journal's website. This approach permits readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to, and use the full texts of articles for any legitimate purpose.

Research Integrity

ESREIN expects all research published in its journals, including JELS, to adhere to fundamental principles of research integrity, which encompass:

  • Honesty in all Research Aspects: A commitment to honesty in all stages of research.
  • Thorough and Careful Research Practices: A dedication to thoroughness and excellence in research methodologies.
  • Transparency and Open Communication: An emphasis on transparency and open communication regarding research processes and outcomes.
  • Respect for Research Participants: Care and respect for all research participants and subjects.

Additionally, our editorial board may provide specific author guidelines on research integrity and ethics. If anyone believes that research published by ESREIN/JELS deviates from these Research Publishing Ethics Guidelines or the above principles, concerns can be raised by emailing

Ethical Issues

JELS actively supports the development and practical application of consistent ethical standards within the scholarly publishing community. The journal's editorial board takes ethical issues seriously and responds rigorously to the following concerns:

  1. Plagiarism: Unauthorized use or reproduction of someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property without proper citation.
  2. Dual Publication: Submitting the same work to multiple publications simultaneously.
  3. Self-plagiarism: Reproducing one's own work without proper citation or authorization.
  4. Authorship Issues: Ensuring the correct attribution of authorship and contributions.
  5. Coercive Citation: Forcing or manipulating citations to serve self-interest or bias.
  6. Defamation: Making false statements or damaging the reputation of individuals or entities.
  7. Fabricated Data: Presenting data that has been falsified or manufactured.
  8. Unethical Research and Testing: Engaging in research or testing that disregards ethical norms or principles.
  9. Conflict of Interest: Transparently disclosing any conflicts of interest that may compromise the research's impartiality.

Ethical Policy

Publication of articles in a refereed journal is a pivotal component of building a credible and consistent information network. It reflects the quality of authors' research and the supporting institutions. Articles in reputable journals rely on scientific methods and are subject to review by authoritative referees. Therefore, ethical principles are of utmost importance in the publication process.

The approval of an article submitted to JELS hinges on the following ethical and legal conditions:

  1. Every author concurs with the article's content and its submission to the journal.
  2. The article's content is evaluated through reviews by authoritative and responsible referees.
  3. The article, in whole or part, has not been published previously in any language.
  4. An article submitted to JELS for publication should not be under consideration by another journal during the review process.
  5. If a draft submitted to JELS includes figures, tables, or lengthy text blocks that have been previously published, it is the author's responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright owners. All copyrighted elements should be accurately acknowledged in the draft submitted to JELS.

Copies of the Journal

JELS operates as an entirely online journal. As such, the corresponding author will receive a PDF file of the article via email at no cost.

Copyright & Licensing

All content published in JELS is copyrighted, with authors retaining the copyright to their work. Authors grant the journal the right to publish their manuscripts under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows the public to access, use, and share the content while providing appropriate credit to the authors and the journal. This model promotes knowledge dissemination, supports scholarly collaboration, and maintains ethical standards.

It is not necessary to ask for further permissions both to the author or journal board.

Publication Frequency

JELS is a semi-annual journal, ensuring a consistent flow of research findings and stimulating insights for our readers.